After publishing his first book, Millennials Revealed, which focuses on helping organizations understand how to effectively build bridges across the generations, Tru quickly realized that the generation gaps were not the only gaps that were hindering the health, growth, and development of organizations and their people.
Tru then dedicated himself to helping organizations build bridges across the divides that challenge them most, and has quickly emerged as one of the nations most dynamic public speakers, and the go-to expert on helping organizations understand how to build bridges across racial, generational, cultural, and relational divides.
Whether as a keynote speaker or a workshop leader, Tru is the ultimate bridge builder. His areas of expertise are Leadership, Inclusion, and Purpose.
When purpose is not present, dysfunction is ineveitble; thus people are not only seeking purpose in their personal lives, but in their professional lives as well. Employees, students, congregants, and consumers are all seeking to align themselves with organizations that “Lead With Purpose” while embracing the richness of diversity and inclusion that's available to them. Purpose-driven organizations are among the most sought after in today's marketplace. Learn how to "Lead With Purpose" and become one of the organizations that your audiences all aspire to align themselves with.
Millennials and Centennials have ushered in a New Era, with New Expressions, and New Expectations. To thrive in this new era, organizations must adopt and employ a cross-generational leadership approach that employs both Diversity AND Inclusion! This session helps attendees understand how to be more effective 21st century leaders by leveraging the power of insight, influence, and inclusion. Attendees walk away with a proven cross-generational leadership model that can be applied right away!
What organizations and institutions across the country are quickly realizing, is that diversity (a state-of-being) cannot be the end goal. Instead, the act of developing safe, open, and inclusive environments for all to collaborate and co-exist is the greatest need and challenge. This session equips organizations to go beyond diversity and the often created “illusion of inclusion”. Attendees of this session understand how to effectively activate the richness of diversity through the power of inclusion.
This program was created specifically for Law Enforcement Professionals based on years of experience and success from working directly with Police Officers. This is not your typical diversity training!
CO-HEART was designed specifically for educators. This innovative approach to diversity training speaks to the heart just as much as it feeds the mind.
This custom session equips & empowers both individuals and organizations with the insights, process, and tools to discover their own unique purpose
Bridging the generation gaps and building cross-generational synergy can seem daunting at times, but it can be done! "Millennials Revealed" offers actionable insights and proven strategies to bridge those gaps. Order your copy today!
Tru Pettigrew from Tru Access, NAACP President Rev. Anthony Spearman, and Rev. Nancy Petty from Pullen Memorial Baptist Church, speak with Brad Johansen of WRAL about race relations in North Carolina and across the country.
"Speaking From The Heart" is a 3-day public speaking workshop that empowers audiences to go beyond their ability to impress audiences with their words and presentations. It inspires them to impact audiences with their purpose and their story.
Please download files for one-sheet overviews of Keynotes & Workshops
Barbershop Rap Session one sheet (pdf)
DownloadCO-HEART one sheet overview tp (pdf)
DownloadCOHORT one sheet overview tp2 (pdf)
DownloadGPStoPurpose One-Sheet_tp (pdf)
DownloadLead With Purpose One_Sheet (pdf)
DownloadMoving Beyond Diversity One_Sheet (pdf)
DownloadTP Leading Across the Generations Speaker_One_Sheet (pdf)
DownloadTru is a celebrated author, an engaging speaker, a committed community leader, and an award-winning marketing executive with close to 20 years of experience at the nation’s top advertising & marketing agencies.
Tru founded Tru Access to serve as an inspiration and empowerment consultancy to help individuals and organizations bridge gaps across areas that cause division, dysfunction and separation .
Considered one of the country’s top Millennial Empowerment experts and cross-generational thought leaders. His first book, “Millennials Revealed” serves as a guide for countless individuals and organizations across the country to help them build meaningful connections across diverse generations.
Tru has shared his marketing talents and expertise to help contribute to the success of brands such as Nike, State Farm, Heineken, Hennessy, Unilever and Ford just to name a few.
In addition to connecting brands with consumers and building bridges across generations, Tru has also established a strong reputation for helping organizations build bridges across racial, cultural, social, and relational lines.
"Words cannot express how deeply grateful we are for your leadership and instruction at our retreat! Morale has been much more positive and our team seems to be back on the right track! Please know how indebted we are for your encouragement and wisdom."
- Betty Lynne Johnson
Program Director, Campbell University
Check out this video of Tru speaking on how to "Tap Into Your Greatness"
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